Rand-Emonium has released version 1.0 of Wordle Solver for the Apple IIGS. Wordle is the puzzle game where you try to guess the five letter word and based on feedback on what letters are correct, you work towards finding the target word. Wordle Solver is a classic desk accessory that will solve the puzzle for you. It will tell you what word to guess. Then, you tell it which letters are right and wrong and it will then give you a better guess.
Wordle Solver was created during KansasFest 2022, a yearly conference celebrating the Apple II.
You should use it to help yourself out on CQ II BBS Wordle! 🙂
I have been doing OK this month for some reason and was leading for a couple of days. If you see me open with “AEROS” which is apparently ideal according to my algorithm, then you will know I am using my program. That doesn’t even seem to be a real word according to dictionaries but it is in the valid word list in the real Wordle so good enough for me. Still, I won’t cheat on your BBS. Honest.
Can you use this while playing Wordle GS?
Somehow, I missed that Wordle GS exists. I will definitely download it and give it a shot. For sure, you could switch back and forth between the Wordle puzzle and the solver in the CDA. But, you would have to re-enter the results of the first guess, second guess, etc to get the next guess so it would be annoying.
I would like to build an NDA version and that would have a better interface than the text based input to the solver. If I did that, then it would be much easier to have the solver up at the same time in the game I would think.